Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The history of mobile Part 1

The history of mobile - The Generation Of Mobile Through History - The Cradle of communications - 
  Since old time the human being was connecting with each other by deferent  means of communications and available potentialities .
Whereas the live was simple and the people were living in close groups .
But with increasing and the complex of living and growing up of the number of people and traveling around the word the needing of communication tools were became pressing in the time of peace and war . 

And the connecting way to be Mani folded such as ( mail , telegram , radio wave , etc . . . . ) .
But the think that no doubt of it is that the greatest way of communication was until soon is the telephone and follow with mobile or cellphone .

Whereas they make a quality move in closing the distance in human history for centuries .
The telephone can do that no one else doing since thousands of years from carrying out the people needs . 

It's also can be considered the greatest invention in the 19th century .
Whereas this matter cannot be real without the effort of the scientist and the creative engineer    ( Alexander Graham Bell ) when he has talking the famous sentence for the first time on the telephone ( Mr. Watson – come over here , I want to see you ) , Watson was listening in the end of the line in the next room and he heard the words clearly .
This success was the result of continual effort and bitter patience of Mr. bell whereas his mother and his wife where deaf and that matter leave the fluent effect on bell's live and work .

The patentee of Bell was recorded with number ( 174465) and granted by the patentee office in the united states of America to Bell in march 7 , 1876 .

We shall not forget that the joy of the humanity cannot be completed without the effort of the scientist ( Marten Copper ) in the invention of  the first cellphone in the world , He was a researcher in Motorola company for communication in Chicago .
Where he held the first call in April 3, 1973 that effort of Copper was preceding some experiment done in the first cell phone in 1946 in St . Louis in USA ,where this system is used single radio transmitter putted on the top of high building and been using a single channel so there had to be a single button to be pushed when somebody like to spoke and he releasing the button when he listening .

It's worth mentioning that this system is kind of ( Half Duplex ) and it's still used in our day by Cops and Taxis and this system is called ( CB – Radio ) .
In sixties this system has been improved by providing two contact channels , this system was called IMTS ( Improved Mobile Telephone System ) but this system cannot support a lot of users due to the limited frequencies used in that time .

This problem was solved later by using cell concept where it was suggested in bell's labs in 1974 .
Which led to the re-use of frequency that led to supporting the large number of users , this net was called ( Cellular Radio Network ) .

For the rest of the Article . . . . to be continue in the second part of the history of mobile .

The history of mobile :               by  chia littleprince


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